CBSE Term 2 Exams 2022: Guidelines Released for CBSE Class 10th, 12th Board Exams, Roll Numbers Soon This Week

As per the recent updates, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released guidelines for the schools that students will have to follow. With decreasing COVID-19 cases, the board has also relaxed the COVID guidelines for the board exam centres. As per reports, around 34 lakh students of classes 10th and 12th will be appearing for the CBSE Term 2 exam.  CBSE Term 2 exams will commence on 26th April 2022. To appear in the board exam, students must have their admit cards. As per media reports, the CBSE Term 2 admit card for classes 10th and 12th will be sent to the schools this week whereas admit card for the private candidates will be available at – CBSE Class 10th 12th Admit Card 2022 

As per media reports, CBSE 10th 12th board exam 2022 roll numbers and admit cards for Term 2 will be released this week. As per an official, the CBSE class 10th and 12th term 2 admit cards will be sent to the schools by this week. With this, students can go through the details and request corrections, in case of any discrepancy. Also, CBSE Term 2 admit cards for the private students will be released on the official website They need to use their login credentials and download the same.  Guidelines for CBSE Term 2 Exams 2022

As COVID-19 restrictions have been eased therefore 18 students will be seated in a classroom as opposed to 12 students for Term 1. 

Students will have to follow social distancing, wear masks and the temperature will be checked. 

Three-step verification processes will be there. Validation at each step has been mandated by the board to ensure the smooth conduct of the examination.  The Term 2 question papers will be sent to the custodians. The examination centres will be handled by the Centre Superintendent only. While this is usually the Principal of the school, it is not mandatory. He has to remain at the Centre during the conduct of the examination.

Geo-tagging of confidential material is mandatory at every stage to ensure a proper record of the movement of the same. 

Students will have to show their CBSE Roll Number/Admit Card, which must be duly signed by the Principal of their respective schools to enter the exam hall. The CBSE term 2 admit cards must have their own signatures too. Unsigned admit cards are not accepted and students may be barred from entry.

Timings Guidelines for CBSE 10th and 12th Term 2 Board Exam 2022 

CBSE Class 10, 12 terms 2 exams 2022 will be a two-hour examination that would be conducted from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

. Students are required to report to the designated exam centres by 9:30 am. 

They must be seated by 10 am. Entry to the examination centres will be closed at 10 am. After this, no student will be allowed inside under any circumstances. 

Question paper and answer sheets will be distributed to the students at 10 am so that they can fill the answer sheets carefully. 

Also reading time of 20 minutes will be provided to the student, as is customary for CBSE Board. 

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