
Conversation Between in Two Friends

Myself        : Hello friend, How do you do?
Friend         : Fine, thank you. Why are you looking so sad?
Myself        : Actually I’m worried about my ensuing exam. What about your preparation for the examination?
Friend         : Well, I’m going on well my studies. I am also worried about my exam.
Myself        : But tell me about your preparation in different subjects.
Friend         : You know I’m weak in English. That’s why, I’m taking special care in English. I’m having a detailed revision in other subjects.
Myself        : Are you taking help from any special books?
Friend         : Yes. But I study text book very carefully.
Myself        : I see. I must start working with the text book. What do you think?
Friend         : Yes. I think it’ll be helpful not only for English but also for other subjects.
Myself        : Thank your for your supportive suggestion. Wish your good luck.
Friend         : You’re most welcome.

Conversation Between in Two Friends

Sonu : Hello Monu. How are you?
Monu : Thanks. I am fine. How are you?
Sonu : I am also fine. Where are you going?
Monu: I am going to the mayor for requesting him to take necessary steps against environment pollution.
Sonu : Environment pollution has become a great problem in our life.
Monu : You are right. Though environment helps us to exist, we don’t bother of it. We are polluting it indiscriminately.
Sonu : People are not aware of it. They throw their waste here and there.
Monu: Mills and factories are polluting the environment through their toxic chemicals.
Sonu : Too much vehicles are polluting the air by smoke and fumes.
Monu: Super tankers and human wastes are responsible for water pollution.
Sonu : Farmers use fertilizers and pesticides for more production. But these chemicals get mixed with pond and river water.
Monu: Every day we use million tons of fuel for cooking and other purposes. These are also responsible for pollution.
Sonu : But we cannot live without cooking food.
Monu: You are right. But, we should be conscious of it. In most cases, we are not aware of the importance of environment.
Sonu : So, what should we do?
Monu : We should take care of our environment. It’s true that we cannot stop pollution for good. But we can lessen it.
Sonu : I agree with you. My friend, I have to go now. Ok, see you later

Write a Dialogue between two friends about the consequence of environment pollution

Amit : Hello Nitin, what’s up?
Nitin : I am so so. Recently, a matter is shocking me very much.
Amit : What’s the matter?
Nitin : I am thinking about environment which is being seriously polluted.
Amit : Right you are.
Nitin : You know that air and water are the two important elements for us but they are being polluted seriously.
Amit : You see that mills and factories, human waste and water vehicles are polluting water.
Nitin : Exactly so. Sound pollution and odour pollution have become very common. Even people mind nothing to do these.
Amit : Unpleasant truth is that we must face a terrible situation if we cannot stop it.
Nitin : Over population, increasing number of industries and vehicles are mainly responsible for it.
Amit : Besides, unconsciousness, negligence and selfishness are not less responsible.
Nitin : How can we get the solution?
Amit : We all should know that a sound mind lives in a sound body. If a sound body lives in polluted place, the mind must be polluted also.
Nitin : I think that strict laws should be introduced and awareness should be created among people.
Amit : Thank for sharing your opinion.
Nitin : Thank you too.
Amit : See you again.

A dialogue between a teacher and a student who comes late

Student: May I come in, sir?
Teacher: Yes, stand here. Why do you always come late?
S: Sir It is the bus which makes me late.
T: What time do you leave home?
S: I always leave home at quarter to eight.
T: How far is your home from here?
S: It is about three kilometers from here.
T: That is why you get late. You leave your home very late.
S: Sir, I take my break fast at 7:30 a.m.
T: What time do you get up?
S: I get up at about 7:00 a.m.
T: Don’t you offer your prayer?
S: Not regularly.
T: My dear. It is a bad habit. Change your routine. Always get up early in the morning. Offer your prayers and go for a morning walk.
S: Sir, there is no park near our home.
T: No problem. You can walk along the street in the morning time. Take breakfast at right time and then leave for school.
S: You are right, sir. From tomorrow, I shall never be late.
T: Good. One thing more keep in mind. Regularity and punctuality conquer the mountains.
A: Thank you very much for your good advice. Can I sit now, sir?
T: Oh Yes, of course.

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