CBSE 12th Term-2 Exam 2022 : Geography Analysis, Review & Question Paper with Answer Key

CBSE 12th Term-2 Exam 2022 : Geography Analysis, Review & Question Paper with Answer Key

CBSE Class 12 Geography Term 2 exam was conducted today that is on May 18, 2022, across the centres in India. Thousands of students flogged outside the centres in the morning, entering the examination venue masked and in a queue. 
We reached out to the centers in Delhi NCR to capture the first reaction of the students as soon as they left the centres. “The exam was easy, I knew all the questions”, said the first student to walk out of a center in Delhi’s Mayur Vihar. See full student responses and expert reviews here. Students can download the question paper by clicking on the link given below.
CBSE Class 12 Geography Term 2 Question Paper 2022 – Q.P. Code – 64/5/1
CBSE Class 12 Geography Term 2 Exam 2022: Student’s Reactions- 
Students found the Geography exam manageable today. Many students exited the centres with happy faces. They seemed satisfied and many claimed that the Term 2 geography exam was easier than Term 1. “ I did better than last time. I thought I will not be able to complete the paper but when I started, I was so happy that I knew everything,” said Akansha from Central School. 
It can also be noted that the students also found the questions straight out of NCERT books. 
Students were happy giving the subjective exam as well. “ In objective type, you either know or you don’t, it’s binary. Whereas in subjective if you know something atleast you can write it,” asserted Mayank Gautam, a student from Ghaziabad. 
Overall, the students rated the exam moderately difficult considering the map questions. However, the theory part was easy as claimed by many students. On a scale of 10, with 1 being the least difficult and 10 being the most, students rated the geography exam for CBSE Term 2, a 4 on 10. 
Section E was counted as difficult by some candidates while it was easier for others. Thus it can be counted in mixed reactions. 
CBSE Class 12 Geography Term 2 Exam 2022: Expert Opinion
Experts at our predict the marks in the range of 90-95% if the exam has been answered completely and an average percentage of 80-85% this time. As most of the students have claimed their exam went well, the experts feel the scores would be higher than the Term 1 Geography exam.
CBSE Class 12 Geography Term 2 Question Papers for Answer Key
1. Mention the important features of ‘the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway’.
Ans. The St. Lawrence Seaway is the infrastructural link used for navigation between the St. Lawrence River at Montreal and Lake Erie at the end of the Welland Canal. Downstream, the St. Lawrence River Channel, which is dredged to insure a controlled depth of 10.5 meters (35 feet), extends to Quebec City.
The landforms of the Great Lake – St. Lawrence Lowlands, with their rolling hills and slopes, were carved by glacial streams. Two of the most prominent geological features include the Niagara Escarpment and the Frontenac Axis.
2.How has ‘internet become the most effective and advanced of all the personal communication systems in India ? Explain
Ans. The communication revolution came into the world through the internet. The Internet is the most effective and advanced one and is widely used in urban areas.
It enables the user to establish a direct connection through Email to get access to a world of knowledge and information.
It is used for e-commerce and carrying out money transactions.
It is a huge central warehouse of data, with detailed information on various items.

  1. (a) Explain any two ways to conserve minerals in India.
    Ans. Alternative energy sources like solar power, wind, wave, and geothermal energy are inexhaustible resources. These have been developed to replace exhaustible resources.

Adhyayan An Educational Trust:
In the case of metallic minerals, the use of scrap metals will enable the recycling of metals. The use of scrap is especially significant in metals like copper, lead and zinc in which India’s reserves are meagre. The use of substitutes for scarce metals may also reduce their consumption.
(b) Why should the non-conventional sources of energy be promoted ? Explain.
Ans. Sustainable energy resources are only renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro geothermal and biomass. These energy sources are more equitably distributed and environment friendly. The non-conventional energy sources will provide more sustained, eco-friendly cheaper energy after the initial cost is taken care of.

  1. Read the given passage earthily and answer the questions that follow :
    Road transport is the most economical for short distances compared to railways. Freight transmits by road is gaining importance because It offers door-to-door service. But unmetalled roads, though simple in construction, we in effective and serviceable for all sensors- During the rainy season these become unmotorable and even the metalled ones are seriously handicapped during heavy ruins nil floods. In such conditions, the high embankment Of rail-tracks and the efficient maintenance of railway transport service, is an effective solution. But the rail kilometrage being small cannot serve the needs of vast and developing countries at a low cost. Roads, therefore, play a vital role in nation’s trade and commerce and for promoting tourism.
    The quality of the roads varies greatly between developed and developing countries because road construction and maintenance require heavy expenditure. In developed countries good quality roads are universal and provide long-distance links in the form of motorways, autobahns (Germany) and Inter-state highways for speedy movement. Lorries, of increasing site and power to carry heavy loads, are common. But unfortunately. the world’s road system is not well developed.
    The world’s total motorable road length is only about IS million km. of which North America accounts for 33 per cent. The highest road density and the highest number of vehicles are registered in this continent compared to Western Europe.
    Attempt all questions :
    (a) Why does freight transport by road gaining importance ?
    (b) When do unmetalled roads become ineffective and unuseful ?
    (c) which continent has highest road density ?
    5. “Indira Gandhi Canal irrigation has brought prominent transformation in the agricultural economy of the region, “Support this statement.
    Ans. The availability of soil moisture, and various afforestation and pasture development programmes under CAD have resulted in the greening of the land.
    This has also helped in reducing wind erosion and siltation of canal systems.
    This intensive irrigation has led to a tremendous increase in agricultural and livestock production.
    Spread of canal irrigation has led to increasing in cultivated area and intensity of cropping. The traditional crops are sown in the area, gram, bajra and jowar have been replaced by wheat, cotton, groundnut and rice.
    6. (a) “Television (T.V) has emerged as the most effective audio-visual medium in India” Explain this statement.
    Ans. Television broadcasting emerged as the most effective audio-visual medium for information and educating the masses. It helps to relay news, pictures, and telephone calls to vast audiences around the world. It has a better reach and better trust among the viewers.
    The rest of the answers would be uploaded soon on this page. Keep refreshing the page for the answers here.
    (b) “Konkan railway’ is the important achievements of the Indian railways” Support the statement.

Adhyayan An Educational Trust:

  1. Why has the demand for holidays increased rapidly? Explain the attractions which promote tourism across the globe.
  2. “High technology, is the latest generation of manufacturing activities ” Examine the statement.
  3. (a) Explain the cause and consequences of air pollution.
    (b) Explain the cause and consequences of water pollution.
  4. Locate and label the following features in the given outline political map of India (Attempt any 5)
    (10.1) Bokaro – Coal mines
    (10.2) Singhbhoom – Copper mines
    (10.3) Jamnagar – Oil refinery
    (10.4) Bailadila – Iron-ore mines
    (10.5) The northern most metropolitan city connected with Golden Quadrilateral
    (10.6) The eastern terminal station of East-West corridor
    NOTE : The Following Questions Are For The Visually Impaired Candidates In Lieu Of Q. NO. 10 (Attempt any 5) :
    (a) In which state Bokaro coal mines arc located ?
    (b) In which state Singhbhoom copper mines are located
    (c) Name the state where Jamnagar oil refinery is located.
    (d) Name the state where Bailadila iron-ore mines are located.
    (e) Name the northern most metropolitan city connected with Golden Quadrilateral.
    (f) Name the eastern terminal station of East-West corridor.


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