INTRODUCTION OF M.S WORD 2013: – Hello friends, welcome to, today through this post we are going to tell you about M.S Word, so let’s start.
M.S Word 2013:-
MS Word 2013 is a software of micro soft office, we also call it application software, it is made by a micro soft company of America, in MS Word we can type, save, replace, find, print, cut, copy, paste and Formatting can also be done. The new version of MS Word 2013 has many useful new facilities, which are many times better than the old version. A new interface has come in MS Word 2013, which is very useful for creating our documents. Share documents very easily, Mail, etc. There are 10 tabs in M.S Word 2013 File, Home, Insert, Design, Layout, References, Mailing, Review, View, Help and each of those 10 tabs have different groups.
Run command of M.S word:-
The run command of the M.S word is Win word.
A version of m.s word:-
M.S word 2007
M.S word 2010
M.S word 2013
M.S word 2016
M.S word 2017
M.S word 2018
M.S word 2019
M.S word 365
How to open M.S word:-
First of all click on Start button.
Then click on all programs.
Open it by selecting the icon of M.S office in it.
Open it by selecting M.S word in it.
New Look of M.S Word 2013:-
When we will open M.S Word 2013 there will be a new interface show in which we will see many options on the left side we will see once in which we will see Home, New, Open etc. There will be, with the help of which we can open our recent document, we can edit, formatting again and on the right side there are many temples which is the format of many documents such as -Blank, Invoice, Blog post, etc. There are many such formats, with the help of which any document can be easily prepared. Templet is a special type of document which is a basic tool to finalize a document, it also has a search bar whose help From this we can also use online temples.
Work Area in M.S word 2013:-
There are many new features in MS Word 2013, with the help of all these features, we can make our document very good, with the help of Quick Access Tool, we can access any tool very fast, it speeds up our work. It has 10 Tabs and each Tabs has different Groups in which there are many buttons so that we can change the style of our font, change their size and change the color, in this we can make a list of any type, we can add Bullets and Numbering can be applied in this, we can insert any type of picture and if there is any type of mistake in our document, we can correct our document with the help of Check Document in MS Word 2013 at the bottom Status Bar.
It is in which how many pages are there in our document on the left side, how many words are there and in which language it is visible and on the right side there are options to see our document in many views such as – Read Mode Views, Print Layout Views, Web Layout Views Etc. And in this our document can also be Zoom In / Zoom Out.
Shortcut key in M.S Word:-
Ctrl + X Cut a selected text
Ctrl + C Copy a selected text
Ctrl + V to paste any text
Ctrl + S to save anything
Ctrl + P to print anything
F12 to Save As
Ctrl + F to find any text
Ctrl + H to replace any text
Ctrl + B to make text bold
Ctrl + I To Italicize Text
Ctrl + U To Underline on Text
Ctrl + = Subscript text
Ctrl + Shift + Superscript the text
Ctrl + L To write text with left alignment
Ctrl + E To write text from the center
Ctrl + R to write the text with right alignment
Ctrl + J to justify the text
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